International Lunch: Middle East – Liverpool Chamber

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce in partnership with UKTI will be hosting a series of International Lunches with a specific market focus to give you an overview of the opportunities available and to address any key issues in the market. The first of these lunches will take place at the Crowne Plaza on 20th June and will focus on the Middle East, which continues to offer high potential for UK companies looking to export.

Market Information

UK exports to the Near and Middle East accounted GBP11.5bn of visible exports in 2010 and trade in services surpassing this. With Saudi Arabia envisaging an expenditure of $385bn on infrastructure projects and Qatar looking to spend USD60bn on transport links, logistics facilities and hospitality in the run up to hosting the 2022 World Cup, there is no doubt that there is a wealth of opportunity available to UK companies in the area.


11:00 – Arrival and Registration

11:15 – First presentation, Lee Hackett, yoursalesteamcloud

11:30 – Case study, Paul Grover, WYG

11:45 – Informal Networking

12:00 – Lunch

13:00 – Doing business in the Middle East and support for businesses, UKTI Representative

Please note that this event is free of charge and limited to one delegate per company.

Member fee: £0
Non-member fee: £0

Start: Wednesday 20 Jun 2012
Time: 11:00 – 13:30

Crowne Plaza
St Nicholas Place
Pier Head

Book now 

Business Club Networking ‘Prices, Profits & Getting Paid!’

The Women’s Organisation Business Club Invite You to Explore:

‘Prices, Profits & Getting Paid!’

Held on:
Business Club Networking 'Prices, Profits & Getting Paid'Thursday 21st June 6pm-8.30pm

Held at:
The Women’s Organisation,
54 St James Street
L1 0AB

This fantastic networking evening for local business women will offer:

• Specialist expertise from Sue Fallace of Clear Collections around getting swift payment from customers
• Top Tips from The Women’s Organisation around maximising profits and reviewing your pricing structure
• Chance to meet with Barclays banking representatives to weigh up your financial management options
• Opportunity to network with other local women in business
• Opportunity to promote your business with information/display stands (limited number available)
• Enjoyment of light refreshments out on our roof terraces

For more information, bookings or to enquire about having an information stand at this event, contact our team on 0151 706 8111 or email

Sponsored by Barclays


Branching Out – Breakfast Networking Event – FREE – Tuesday 26th June, 9am to 11am

Leaf Tea Shop, Bold Street, Liverpool city centre
When:  Tuesday 26th June, 9am to 11amCost:    FREE
Branching Out – breakfast networking event.
 Free to attend, no pre-registration, simply turn up, buy a drink and a breakfast snack and start networking.
Branching Out celebrates its First Birthday on Tuesday 26th June and you’re invited. Branching Out brings together businesses just starting out, with more established businesses and professional services to network in a friendly, relaxed environment. June’s birthday event has a free proze draw giveaway with substantial prizes to help your business grow and gain publicity.
Add the details to your diary now >> Tuesday 26th June, 9-11am at Leaf Tea Shop, Bold Street, Liverpool city centre. No pre-registration needed and free to attend. For more info, please contact Dominique Aspey by email at or phone 0151-231 3520
Further Branching Out dates are: Tuesday 24th July, Tuesday 21st August and Tuesday 25th September 2012