Branching Out – Breakfast Networking Event – FREE – Tuesday 26th June, 9am to 11am

Leaf Tea Shop, Bold Street, Liverpool city centre
When:  Tuesday 26th June, 9am to 11amCost:    FREE
Branching Out – breakfast networking event.
 Free to attend, no pre-registration, simply turn up, buy a drink and a breakfast snack and start networking.
Branching Out celebrates its First Birthday on Tuesday 26th June and you’re invited. Branching Out brings together businesses just starting out, with more established businesses and professional services to network in a friendly, relaxed environment. June’s birthday event has a free proze draw giveaway with substantial prizes to help your business grow and gain publicity.
Add the details to your diary now >> Tuesday 26th June, 9-11am at Leaf Tea Shop, Bold Street, Liverpool city centre. No pre-registration needed and free to attend. For more info, please contact Dominique Aspey by email at or phone 0151-231 3520
Further Branching Out dates are: Tuesday 24th July, Tuesday 21st August and Tuesday 25th September 2012

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