Inspiring French speaker : Mickaël AGUILAR – 5 Key of SUCCESS !

The method Aguilar, believe in your success!

“It’s up to you to choose to succeed. Success, it is organise, is provided anddecide! It is this strong affirmation that begins Mickaël Aguilar. Principle is based on five key rules.

1. Success depends on a clear vision
Only 4% of individuals have a clear vision of their goal. Yet 100% of those who succeeded them had this vision from the outset.

2. Silence your inner saboteur
Fear of failure, when we will say, of course (I’m too young, I’m too old, I’m not an expert on …may prevent you from getting started. Do you know that the greatest entrepreneurial success often started by a failure


“I’m too young” : Bill Gates,  Mark Zuckerberg …

“I’m Too old” : Ray Kroc  bought the exclusive rights to the McDonald’s name, at 58 years old

“I’m not an expert on… : Richard Branson 

3. Play on your strengths
In France, it is natural to always see what‘s wrong  But “these are the qualities that underpin the performance, not the absence of defects” insists the speaker. Knowignore your weaknesses and focus on strengths that differentiate you fromcompetition so.

4. Be a believer, not practising
Those who are truly convinced of the quality of their products or services, those who genuinely feel that their customer service to those who are most successful sales.

5. Be optimistic
Optimists sell more, it’s proven! Above all, it is the quality which guarantees all others concluded the expert.

Sorry It’s in French but you might just listen how he speak even you don’t understand he have this passion about it, it’s amazing ! how his voice go high and after he calm down when he say different thinks ! So his audience pays more attention by the sound of his voice ! 
good trick to use 😉

I have been in this conference in 2010 and I still remember him, he is a amazing speaker !

The North West Fund for Digital & Creative + other Funds

The North West Fund for Digital & Creative – £50k to £1.5m

The North West Fund for Digital & Creative provides a flexible equity package for growth oriented businesses operating within the Digital & Creative sector.
The sector includes companies operating across a broad range of activities; from television production through to software development; social networking tools and e-commerce; design to advance digital hardware innovation; and includes advertising and marketing communication companies, electronic publishing, computer games developers, and broader information and communication technology industries.
The North West Fund for Digital & Creative provides finance from £50,000 to £2m to businesses seeking finance to support a broad range of needs from start-up and early stage development through to expansion plans for trading businesses. In return, the Fund Manager will require an equity share in the business. Capital structures can include a combination of equity and loan support as best suits the needs of the company.
AXM Venture Capital manage the North West Fund for Digital & Creative. For further information about this fund contact AXM Venture Capital by email or telephone 0161 4081818
If your business falls outside this sector, or requires pure loan finance, please refer to The North West Fund for Venture CapitalThe North West Fund for Development CapitalThe North West Fund for Business Loans.
Different fund available be prepare and apply for the right one 😉


The North West Fund provides debt and equity finance from £50,000 to £2m to businesses based in or relocating to, the North West of England to start, develop and grow.
There are six individual funds designed to provide comprehensive and tailored finanical support. If you already know what type of finance you need, click on the relevant fund below or complete the online application form now.

ThisLadyLove Speed Networking every Saturday at 6pm on Twitter

ThisladyLove organise a  speed networking across Twitter every Saturday 6pm – 7pm for anyone who wants to promote their business no matter where you are based.

How do you take part?

Follow on Twitter @thisladyloves
Tune in ready to start at 6pm every Saturday
Tweet  your business info or promotion
They will retweet a selection but only if the sentence #speednetworking with @thisladyloves is included in the tweet, and you must be following @thisladyloves
Each business taking part must also retweet a minimum 5 tweets that have included the sentence  #speednetworking  with @thisladyloves choosing the people you want to link with
Don’t forget to follow any business you retweet if you are not already
It’s amazing how quickly you start linking with other businesses and it’s so much fun trying to keep up
Here are some examples of a tweet you could send :

Photographer #London #weddings #speednetworking with @thisladyloves

@KarimaYBP : Set up Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin … + Business Card + 18 month Free Banking … For only 30£ #speednetworking with @thisladyloves

They will only return tweets that have the sentence  #speednetworking  with @thisladyloves included

Enjoy see you on Saturday at 6pm 😉 and see you on Saturday at 6pm #speednetworking with @thisladyloves and me > @KarimaYBP 😉 – Free way to Promote your Events

If you organise any events in Liverpool and you have a low budget to advertise this is a good way to promote your events for FREE 
Just need to create a quick account and your event is online 😉
I create an event for The Language Circle and hop on the first page >>

How to Create a Business Facebook Page

First go to :
Select your type of Business ( for the example we will use Local Business or Place)
Put the information Regarding your Business ( I put fake information for the example)
After putting your right information of your Business click Get Started
Upload the logo of your company 
If you want to can Skip This 3 step and you will be able to change it later on 
Et voilà !! This is your Business Facebook Page 
You can edit your page on the yellow part !
Any question feel Free to ask on the comment session 😉